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About The PurePitchDeck Team

30 Years of Business Growth Support

Martin and his team developed their unique MASC model now available in book form - MASC The Four Pillars of Business Growth.

This is based on a comparative analysis of 400 companies and between those businesses that achieved profitable high growth and those that didn't. The result was a relatively simple yet powerful model which focuses on the four pillars of growth and the need for their strategic alignment. MASC now helps Business Leaders better understand the foundations of successful businesses and helps them undertake a gap analysis as a basis for their business planning.

The PurePitchDeck programme explains each pillar of growth in detail and the importance of the alignment of all four pillars.

"Contrary to popular belief, there is no shortage of good business ideas. The real shortage is of people capable of taking ideas and turning them into successful businesses." Martin Ellis

PurePitchDeck is the result of 30+ years of business growth and investment readiness coaching by Martin Ellis and his team. This experience has now been collated into the PurePitchDeck online training and development programme for SME Business Leaders.

Creating a successful high growth profitable business isn't easy, indeed very few businesses ever achieve it. Yet it is almost exclusively these types of businesses that professional investors want to invest in and that many Business Leaders would hope to create. From our unique experience along with working with Business Angels and Venture Capitalists, our PurePitchDeck programme encapsulates that knowledge and shares that experience with you.